Monday, February 28, 2011

Tin Can Candle

I decided to make use of these lovely aluminum cans I had laying around. I love their shiny, reflective exterior and beautiful, symmetrical ridges. Here is a candle holder that I made for tealights to help lightly illuminate our bathroom. Simply fill a cleaned, empty tin with water and place in the freezer. Once frozen, use a nail and hammer to punch a decorative design of your choice. Place your tin in the sink and run some warm water over the ice to help defrost (if the bottom of the can rounds with the expanding ice, gently hammer it back in).

I used a larger can to place silverware in during a recent casual dinner party, and have most recently placed a can on the counter to use as a "trash bowl" during cooking. It's a little bit country, a little bit... recycled chic. I really like these funky additions and think they would look great with a simple wire handle and hung throughout a backyard during warm summer evenings.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Two words for you: Food Porn. This recently discovered site, Mowielicious, has the most beautiful, graphic, in your face images of want-to-eat-it-now food ever! Mowie is currently working on his first book dedicated to Whoopie Pies which I am looking forward to viewing. Check out his blog and be prepared to drool all over your keyboard... you've been warned.

Waffles with melted butter and honey via {Mowielicious}

Friday, February 25, 2011

Thank you: Lonny Magazine

Have you seen this? Lonny Magazine made its premiere debut in Oct. 2009 and has quickly gained well deserved popularity. While I would love to get my hands on the printed version of Lonny (I really enjoy flipping through magazines... it's one of my favs!), I truly appreciate that the entire magazine is available for "flipping" online, which not only makes it accessible to everyone (with internet access, of course) but that it is a greener option for spreading design greatness throughout all the lands. Take a look at the latest publication here: Jan/Feb 2011 Grab a cup of coffee.tea.cocoa and enjoy!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Handmade Living

I am currently reading Lotta Jansdotter's Handmade Living. This design book is filled with inspiration from Lotta's personal space to her work space, and even include a few classic Swedish recipes. I also have her Simple Sewing for Baby. I highly recommend both works as well as her website for more Scandinavian inspired designs and projects.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

From Me To You

I am head over heels for the Daily Outfit series over at From Me To You. Looking good for NY Fashion Week takes effort... looking classic and timeless is an art.

image via {From Me To You}

Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Mamacita!

A big "Happy Birthday" to my sister, Tera. Middle-child syndrome makes this the funniest, most fun-loving girl I know. Always able to make me laugh, she loves her family deeply and cares for everyone around her. She may even be a better cook then me, but don't tell her that ;) Happy Birthday sister, I love you! Giddy-up Cowgirl!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Matt and Claire

My sweetheart compiled the 600 or so photos that we took at our friends' wedding last year into a beautiful animated video. I cried the first time I watched it.

Take My Breath Away by {Copeland}

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Nepenthe

I have been reading this cookbook (yes reading...) and it has captured my heart. I wish I could have been there during it's heyday, but very much look forward to visiting this little gem of a restaurant located in Big Sur soon... maybe a weekend jaunt from SF? This reads like a memoir interlaced with delicious recipes and beautiful pictures. I rented this from the library, but will no doubt be adding it as a staple to my must-have list of cookbooks.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

A Happy Life

“Wealth consists not in having great possessions but in having few wants.” ― Esther de Waal

image via {nicki's cwe guide}... I also love this image from {Dream Studio}

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Last night I finally watched The Battle of Algiers. Brian loves this film and has been trying to get me to watch it for some time... with the current uprisings in the Middle East and a people's revolution in Tunisia and Egypt, he felt this was an appropriate movie to watch. He was right. It was as if we were watching an in-depth story covering the current happenings in Egypt just this past week. It was an incredible movie about the Algerian War (1954-62) between the occupying French and an anti-colonial Algerian independence movement:

"The Battle of Algiers reconstructs the events that occurred in the capital city of French Algeria between November 1954 and December 1960, during the Algerian War of Independence. The narrative begins with the organization of revolutionary cells in the Casbah. Then civil war between native Algerians and European settlers (pied-noirs) in which the sides exchange acts of increasing violence, leading to the introduction of French army paratroopers to hunt the National Liberation Front (FLN). The paratroopers are depicted as winning the battle by neutralizing the whole of the FLN leadership either through assassination or through capture. However, the film ends with a coda depicting demonstrations and rioting for independence by native Algerians, suggesting that in France having won the Battle of Algiers, she has lost the Algerian War." - The Battle of Algiers, Wikipedia

Not an easy film to watch, showing the horror of civilians being the targets of violence on both sides, it is incredible how applicable the story is today... after 60 years, history is repeating itself and events are unfolding in an all-to-familiar manner. I hope that the peaceful protests by the Egyptians will be heard and acted upon before a feeling of desperation becomes so intense that violence seems to be the only release valve.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Shay Shay!

Happy Birthday to my dear little sister, Shay, the youngest of 5 siblings. I was 9 years in the delivery room when I watched her come into this world. I remember her on the scale as the doctors weighed this newborn, and her big blue eyes met mine. Shay is so loving and helpful, always willing to massage my back after a waterpolo practice/game, her little hands pressing out the tension in my shoulders. I left for college when Shay was 9 and I missed many moments of her growing up, showing lambs for 4-H, playing waterpolo in high school. She has a family of her own now, a wonderful hardworking sweetheart and the most beautiful baby boy. Such a beautiful young women, inside and out and I adore her freckle face :) I love you Shay Shay, hope you have a wonderful birthday!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Broccoli Cilantro Soup

There are certain dishes that transport you to a particular place and time; there are smells that stir your mind and allow you to recall a pleasant day; and there are meals that remind you of a loved one and bring back memories of that person. This is what Broccoli Cilantro soup is for me: nothing fancy, failing to excite my taste buds with exotic flavor, but a warm, simple dish that reminds me of my dear Grandma Gayle. She loved this meal and made it often. The smell of it simmering on the stove fills my heart with memories of her. I miss grandma so much; I think of her every day.

  • 4 c (32 oz) stock, chicken or vegetable
  • 1 bunch cilantro, leaves only (reserve remaining stalks for future stock)
  • 2 heads broccoli
  • small handful spaghetti noodles
  • s&p to taste
  1. In a medium pot heat stock.
  2. Roughly chop broccoli (stems included) and add to the stock. Lightly boil until tender, about 15min.
  3. Add cilantro (small amount reserved for garnishing) and noodles. Cook for about 8 minutes until noodles are al dente.
  4. Season with salt and pepper
  5. Serve, garnished with remaining cilantro leaves.