Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Baby Projects

Bumper that I made for the baby's moses basket.
I have been filling my time waiting for baby to arrive with some fun projects. I picked out a few fabrics that I loved and decided to do some sewing. 

Colorful, fun fabrics.
I started with two diaper bags: one for mommy, one for daddy. Very simple designs that I got from this book.

Mommy's diaper bag.
I loved the white jean material, knowing full well that this will dirty quickly. These simple bags can be tossed into the laundry, though, so I am not worried. I have since added a flat, aged gold button that I love!

Simple pouches to hold random items; this one will hold diapers.
The book also has instructions for creating these simple pouches that can be used for a number of random items. I made Bry and I each one to hold diapers and wipes. The purple and grey fabrics will be used to make other pouches in varying sizes to hold other baby items.

Daddy's diaper bag and another diaper pouch.
Daddy's diaper bag is made of linen and slightly larger. I love how these bags turned out and I made all the above projects in just a day!

Moses basket bumper; soft blankie and rabbit plush from Grandma Kelli.
This was my favorite fabric that I picked out. I had originally intended to use this for a baby blanket, but really needed to create a new bumper for this sweet basket. I ADORE how well it turned out and cannot wait to see out little baby resting peacefully in his/her new bed (that is if we EVER decide to put the little one down!).

Simple ties hold the bumper in place.
I came up with my own design for this bumper. It was really a matter of fitting the fabric and filler to match the dimensions of the basket. It was an easy project overall, with the ties being the most difficult to create. I made 20 ties so I could secure both the top and bottom of the bumper to the basket. I am so pleased with how well these projects turned out! Now we are just STILL waiting for our little babylove...

Sunday, August 26, 2012

40 Weeks and Waiting

We made it! Today marks week 40 of our pregnancy... except no one told little baby who seems to be perfectly content hanging out in his/her warm, cozy womb for a bit longer. I am ok with waiting, but Bry is super antsy and ready to get this show on the road. He compared it to knowing you are going to climb Mt. Everest, but not sure which day it will be... a hard road ahead and having to be prepared every second to begin the journey. I keep reminding him that little baby-love will make his/her debut once it is ready. In the meantime I am enjoying the last moments of pregnancy.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Updated Blog Photos

My sister and I (week 36).
Thanks to my sweetheart and his diligent efforts to maintain this little photo diary of the pregnancy, we have updated photos to view up through week 39. Tomorrow is our due date (8/26)... We should be able to get in a week 40 pic?! I don't think the baby will show up tomorrow, but you never know... ;)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Loving The New Niece

Brinnyn at 4 days old.
Mommy and Brinnyn this past weekend.
We took a last trip down south this weekend before the baby comes. We had to drop off our beloved kitty, Dodo, who will be staying with Grandma Kelli for awhile during this transition phase. We also were there to attend our nephew, Rydin's, 3rd birthday party.

Sunday we took a few pictures of the newest little baby, Brinnyn... she is so precious! It was fun/odd holding her imagining having a little baby of our own to cuddle, snuggle and kiss in just a about a week.

Yesterday we spent the day at Grandma Ellen's house doing baby laundry. I guess I should say GRANDMA did baby laundry... such a huge help! We are now washed and ready for the little one to come into this world :)

It was a fun, family filled weekend.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Where Has The Time Gone?!

Our 38 week picture taken from Russian Hill, San Francisco with a Cable Car and Alcatraz in the background.
It's one of those things where I had great aspirations for myself ("I will blog everyday of this pregnancy!") and next thing I know, we are about to give birth and I have can't even remember my Blogger password... yep, one of those things.

That being said, I now find that I have a renewed sense of energy (nesting, possibly?!) as well as more time since my last day of work was Friday. I am now in official, 100% BABY MODE! It has been a blast this last week! I did some sewing (pictures to come), cleaned the house, did a little baby-shopping, reading and just plain enjoyed these last few moments before our lives really change... forever. We are both beyond excited to meet out little baby-love and cannot wait to snuggle and kiss this tiny little miracle.

So here is a little update on the past 9 months:

Sex (the baby's to be exact)- We still do not know the baby's sex, after a failed attempt at our 19 week ultrasound. We are both ok with it, though, and have actually enjoyed the mysteriousness of it all. I can't say the same for my sisters or mother :)

Cravings- None... I had actually forgot that that was a "pregnancy thing", otherwise I would have used it long ago to justify an ice cream run from the hubby... eh-hem...

Wellness- I feel  so fortunate that up until now, this has been a very mild pregnancy. I did not have morning sickness, although I felt nauseous at times during the 1st trimester, but that was quickly followed by feelings of great hunger. As you can tell, I have had NO problem eating! The worst that I have to complain about is heartburn (which never actually deterred me from eating spicy food... I am to blame, really) and swollen ankles; more affectionately known as "cankles", or as my brother described them, "Nutty Professor feet". The swelling has been much better since I have not been at work; having to sit most of the day was cutting off circulation and fluids were simply settling low, low, low.

Exercise- I had hoped to be a yoga-mamma, but that did not happen. Again, life was so busy up until this week! Brian and I would, however, hike all around our side of San Francisco: down Nob Hill, up Telegraph Hill, down Telegraph Hill, up Russian Hill; I am thankful that I have not been hindered in any way from getting up and down these hills.

Diet- I have been able to eat everything minus the few pregnancy no-no's: tuna and high-mercury fish, unpasteurized cheeses (sorry my beloved blue and brie), uncooked eggs, raw meat and seafood, coffee/caffeine, and alcohol. This was a bit of a bummer since I was working for an incredible salumi company that makes amazing dry cured salami. I was still able to eat the delicious deli meats (smoked ham, mortadella, and salame rosa) just by zapping the meat in the microwave for a few seconds. The main concern with all unpasteurized cheese, meats, and eggs is listeria. I have missed alcohol, but I have really missed coffee, my morning treat. I can say that I went cold-turkey and have not cheated once.

The only thing that has remained a consistent update throughout our pregnancy (thanks to Mr. Griffith, of course) is our weekly pregnancy blog. Check it out to see how the baby-bump has progressed over time.

Again, it is my sincere intention to pick-up my dearly missed blog moving forward. Thanks for continuing to check in on me even though I have been MIA.

Much love,