Happy Earth Day! This is how I spent mine:

On my way to the
Fort Mason Friends of the Library Book Sale, I stopped and got my FREE coffee from Starbucks. To celebrate Earth Day, free coffee and tea was given to those who brought their own reusable mug... sweet!
I made my way to the book sale and arrived when they opened at 10am. I was stoked to see I pretty much had the cooking section to myself.

I spent about 2 hours looking through this beautiful mess of books before Brian joined me after his French class. We then spent another 2 hours looking through the rest of the tables (they give you a map and a shopping cart when you enter the building... seriously intense book scavenging!!).
We then made our way over for our free
Blue Bottle Coffee (with a book purchase) and enjoyed a freshly brewed cup of joe and some treats from the case (we needed a major pick-me-up at that point). We then met some friends for
gelato in North Beach (not sure I have actually had any REAL food today) then made our way home. Here is the loot that I scored today:

I think I am most stoked about my first edition of
The Journal of Gastronomy with a forward by Julia Child and an article from M.F.K. Fisher.

I also got (for $1) Tara Road (Maeve Binchy) and The Silver Chair (C.S. Lewis) on audio CD, as well as a gift for my nephew's birthday,
A Box (set) of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket... should be fun reading for a 7 year old! Brian devoured the European History section and found some really great books as well... not as good as mine, though ;)
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