Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Goodies on the Way!

I had an Amazon credit that I decided to cash in on yesterday... here's what I got:

Yoga Mat

Hinds' Feet on High Places: recommended by a friend

Crazy Sexy Diet: also recommended by a friend

I plan on starting the 21-Day Adventure Cleanse next week (if my package arrives by then, fingers crossed!)... wanna join me? Have you tried a cleanse before?


  1. yes, yes, let's do it together!
    when do you plan to start?

  2. awesome!! the book should deliver on Monday (maybe earlier) but i would like to start shortly afterwards. i rented the book from the library, read it, and loved it! really looking forward to cleaning my body of impurities and starting fresh :) i will post a start date for all who want to join!

  3. Oh shoot that sounds awesome! I am going to check out that book for sure

  4. unominame! yes, you should join in on this crazy, sexy action ;)

  5. So I totally want to....i need to order the book they do not have it in my library. Can you give me a brief overview of what this cleanse is all about.....
